Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Oh how this is so real in my Wifes bed and home.

i love belonging to Her.

i am Ms Regina Italia's husband.


  1. Oooh! Getting bummed by Geena Davis! Bum me! Bum me!

  2. That's verrry arousing...
    yet, verrrry whorizontal.
    Bad news.

    Soon, you N your utterly gorgeous
    visage shall have everything you desire
    -if- you make it past
    this lifelong demise,
    this finite existence.
    You willing to do it?
    You willing to take the plunge
    to enter the Mind of Christ?
    You willing to take RCIA
    and leave this filthy, whorizontal
    world behind to wiseabove?

    Make Your Choice -SAW

    1. I'd looove to make love with you
      for 1,000+ yeeers...
      kissing your delicious BIG toes
      that seem like a penis N ejaculate,
      sending botha us into ecstacy
      for at leeest 100 days.
      Everything is possible, dear.
      Just gotta wanna give
      up your mortal sin.

      RCIA is free.
      RCIA starts early September.
      And RCIA is only 9 months,
      long enough for you to 'conveive'
      a new baby:
      botha youse baby.

      I. Love. You, sweetheart.
      Do it.
      Go 4 the gold, lil one.
      I'll definitely pray for you.

  3. That's verrry arousing...
    yet, verrrry whorizontal.
    Bad news.

    Soon, you N your utterly gorgeous
    visage shall have everything you desire
    -if- you make it past
    this lifelong demise,
    this finite existence.
    You willing to do it?
    You willing to take the plunge
    to enter the Mind of Christ?
    You willing to take RCIA
    and leave this filthy, whorizontal
    world behind to wiseabove?

    Make Your Choice -SAW
